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Guiding you from where you
are to where you want to be.


Spiritual coaching expands beyond traditional life coaching by providing deeper insights, purpose and transformation to yourself and your life as a whole.

When working with a spiritual coach, the focus is on both the inner and outer worlds to build stability and harmony. Receive the support, Guidance and tools to lead your life with confidence and grace.

Spiritual coaching will help you to:

→ Create positive habits

→ Resolve trauma

→ Improve communication

→ Feel more connected to yourself and others


→ Find more clarity, meaning and purpose in your life

→ Create healthy relationships

→ Feel more supported 

→ Regulate your emotions and help you to find calm


→ Deepen your spiritual connection.

Why Work With Olivia?

If you are ready to achieve your goals, then look no further. Olivia's innovative approach provides a supportive foundation for you to experience real and lasting transformation.

Olivia's signature key work methods give you the structural and spiritual framework that has helped hundreds of her clients worldwide to build strong foundations and improve the quality of their lives. 

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How It Works.



Select a day and time that suits, complete the online intake form and make payment to complete your booking. 



Your session will be held online, where you'll be able to elaborate on your intake form answers and ask further questions. 



After your session, you will receive an audio copy of the call and a summary of any recommended tasks or homework.

I want you to create a harmonious life in which you feel fulfilled, empowered and aligned. Once you can see what is well and working in your life, you'll receive the clarity about what needs improvement and feel confident in taking those next best steps.

Spiritual coaching helps you to obtain a tangible view of your life and uncover deeper issues that may ordinarily be missed. When you become more discerning, you will be able to access more empowered ways to achieve your goals.

My sole focus is to guide you to where you want to be and make sure you achieve the results you are wanting. Your job is to feel ready and be willing to implement all recommended steps required to get there.


Book Your Spiritual
Coaching Session.


Choose your preferred appointment type and follow the prompts to complete your booking.

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