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Words for when you are breaking open...

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

We are currently experiencing a very potent time in our human history,  being called to open even more and to shed the outdated information that we have carried here from all life experiences.

Sometimes this can feel a little chaotic or scary. With everything that’s going on in the world right now, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. If you are having tough days, feeling confused, lost or just unsure about things that you are experiencing, I want to let you know that there is always a way through anything that you’re going through.

We are pioneering new territory within ourselves and the world right now, and this can trigger heightened emotions and a sense of displacement. What we have come to know as truth will be challenged, what we have believed will be upturned and the mechanisms we have relied upon to feel stable may no longer serve their purpose.

This is a time for us to start living more deeply from our hearts and reconnect with our truth. It is time to heal.

Over the past few years, many of my clients arrived to me suffering relentless guilt. Feeling anxious that opportunities had passed them by or worrying that they had taken wrong turns. Some were even convinced that they were being punished or experiencing the consequences of karma.

It can be exhausting to be constantly searching for ways to feel better, while also feeling very alone and defeated in the process. As humans we are well versed to place pressure on ourselves when we experience difficulty. We can become paralysed by the fear, pain or shame that comes with failure.

We jostle between our head and our heart, replaying old stories and running programming that is neither true or relevant. So we can’t effectively process what surfaces to clear because we are disconnected from the higher intelligence and guidance that is available to us.

I want you to know right now in this moment, you are worthy of every aspect of health and well-being. Of joy and happiness. And of the most perfect version of unconditional love and freedom from all things that don’t lift your heart. That is your birthright.

Don’t ever feel that you are falling behind. We are always processing and expanding. Awakening a little more in every moment, every day.

Whether you are still in your very early stages of breaking open and wanting that support and not knowing where to turn, you are unfolding or you are ready to take flight know that it is not all on you. Almost always, there is an underlying energetic disharmony that is contributing to your experience.

There is no wrong way, and there is no expiry or time limit when healing. I promise you won’t be feeling stuck forever, but you will expand and begin to embody who you truly are as you navigate your way. The energy that holds you  -  that beats your heart and grows your hair and fingernails -  is always flowing through you and to you. If you can try to remain open to receive the full extent of this support, your journey will start to feel easier.

Go gently, and go by feel. Allow yourself to go where feels easy next.

Stay in the knowing that the nature of energy is movement, so even when you think you have things worked out they will shift from you again, calling you towards a deeper level of understanding and a higher way of living and Being. This is what creates the texture and richness of your life.

Expand your capacity to bring that light and to bring that love into your life more wholly and radiantly.

Perhaps you feel the heaviness of things stirring and your body doesn’t feel great, or there are experiences that you can’t yet find answers for. Maybe you feel triggered during the current times we are living in. Know that it’s all part of the process of Becoming. And when you can shift from that place of pain or trauma, you empower yourself to respond more consciously from a place of neutrality.

By coming back into your heart to stabilise and regulate, you will reunite with what feels true for you and your next best steps will become apparent. The matters that surface are just the catalyst for the improvement that we wish to actualise. Everything that no longer serves you is being dismantled. And the mastery comes in finding ways to trust that higher versions of all things are on the way.

It’s all about doing what brings ease and softness, going gently and knowing that this is the breaking open for more of your light to come through. You may not be meditating every day, you may not be doing all the things you feel you should be doing. And it doesn’t matter. Taking a nice gentle breath is enough.

So, if you’re feeling some pressure, or feel completely raw and vulnerable right now,  make a soothing cup of tea, pop your favourite music on and allow yourself to rest. Find love and compassion for yourself in this moment.

If you are looking for support with your healing journey and learn ways to navigate your path in smaller, more manageable steps, Communion - our Community healing program - is the perfect place to begin. To learn more about the benefits of our signature healing program click here visit the Communion page.


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