A QUICK GUIDE: Emotional Healing.
Updated: Oct 24, 2023

The emotions that we feel are true markers of where we are in our healing journey. So when you can create the time and space to connect with how you are feeling, you are accessing your very own sophisticated inner guidance system.
When past traumas and grievances start to surface, we can tend to attach meanings to the emotions that we feel, in order to make sense of what we’ve been through.
But what happens is that when we attach meanings or events to those emotions rather than allowing them to release and clear naturally, they can become stuck in our energy field.
And this is where we experience the replaying over of memories or traumatic events in our minds. Those emotions can’t transmute fully because we have blocked that process and so the information begins to loop.
If you are noticing strong emotions surface within you, pay close attention as these will guide you to what is within you that is needing love, care and compassion.
The following emotions are typically given a negative spin, but serve us highly in bringing us back to ourselves so that we may heal more deeply.

1. Anxiety
When we face backwards and dwell in the past, we become stuck. And if we jump too far head, we can trigger fear and anxiety that stems from past traumas and grievances. Anxiety teaches us to come back into our bodies and become anchored in the now moment.

2. Shame
Shame calls us to the parts of ourselves that need love and acceptance. Those parts of us that have not been fully accepted by us or others. By loving and accepting our own mistakes or what we consider flaws, we powerfully dissolve shame and come more fully into our own power.

3. Resentment
Highlights the situations in which we haven’t communicated our needs or spoken our truth. The events that have left us feeling unseen or disrespected. Resentment invites us to areas of our life where we lack boundaries so that we may establish them.

4. Jealousy
Jealousy is often considered a bad trait - but this feeling of discomfort can be a positive experience too. This powerful feeling amplifies within us what we want most, and reconnects us to how important those things are to our heart.

5. Sadness
Invites us gently to consider where in our mind or heart we may need to let go. What expectations in our life we may be willing to release so that we can be free and open to receiving more, rather than focusing on any kind of loss. What can we release so that we may gain.
If you are noticing strong emotions surface within you, pay close attention as these will guide you to what is within you that is needing love, care and compassion.
Devote some time for yourself to acknowledge your feelings as they rise within you. And if you would like additional support with your emotional healing please visit our personal healing page or email us for more.